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Cortland United Teachers, or CUT, are the more than two hundred highly qualified professionals that have chosen to dedicate their career to educating the children of the Cortland, NY community. We are the teachers for the Cortland City School District public schools, Cortland, NY, USA. Cortland United Teachers is an affiliate local of the New York State United Teachers,NYSUT. NYSUT is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, National Education Association and the AFL-CIO.

Elected Officers:

President: Jaime Francey-Henry (HS)
Vice President: Kathleen Elliott-Birdsall  (Smith)
Treasurer: Carol Brafman (HS)
Recording Secretary: Debbie Fitzgerald (Barry)
Corresponding Secretary: Dedrea Scalza (Barry)


Tom Dovi
Jeff Guido
Tony Caravella
Ed Porter
Paul Drexler


JHS: Christine Andrews
HS: Amy Johnson
Barry: Pam Basile
Smith: Karen Curran
Randall: Julie Terwilliger


Building Representatives:

Barry Primary School: 
Tom Dovi
Beth Dubetsky

Smith Intermediate School: 
Caroline Perks

Randall Middle School: 
Amy Worlock
Tina Ricottilli

Junior  High School: 
Jaime Henry
Christine Andrews
Sherlyn Pallassino
Shannon King Root

 Senior High School: 
Paul Drexler
Amy Johnson

Joanne Prezioso

Web Secretary: 
Tom Gath




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